martes, 10 de julio de 2018

BLOG 5: Your reflections on the demonstrations at FACSO

Hello again colleagues and teacher, I hope everything is well in this return since it has been a long time in the making. That is why today in my blog I will comment on the following, I never made a presence in the sit-in and I did not agree with my classmates but I always encouraged the movement of the students. It is because of this that I have much faith in what they agreed in this period, but I can point out that I do not totally support the cause of my compañeras. Since I´m a woman I put myself in the place of many others, either women or men.
In this student movement I could not participate much, because I put my interest in other things and one of them was working. During all this time I worked to be able to carry out my goals and personal matters as well.
Furthermore, I believe that the sit-in was necessary in one aspect for power modified some needs and inquisitiveness of the students, but in other aspect, sit-ins are not necessary because we  lost much time of  classes.  My opinion over the sit-ins is some women supported it and others didn´t, but even though they ask something  that they are not capable of giving:  ´´RESPECT´´ with  women, it means, themselves.

8 comentarios:

  1. i agree with you, we need change a lot of attitudes!

  2. hi barbara, I think that it's okay that you used the time of the sit-in in your personal interesting because I think that time, was a space for develop our own interestings!!

  3. Hi Barbara, really I think that this student movement was necessary, even more for our career

  4. I agree with you!!! You have to respect any point of view.

  5. exactly, I believe that we have take a responsibility about this themes.

  6. Hi Bárbara, I think that this movement began a change, regards :)

  7. Hello friend, I share your opinion since I was not present in the sit-in but yes with the cause, see you!

  8. I hope we can see positive changes soon


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