martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017


Emmi Pikler (1902-1984)

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 Emmi Pikler was born in 1902 an died in 1984 in hungria. Was an Austrian Pediatrican who developed her work in Hungary. She worked as a family pediatrican and was for more than thirty years director of a faster care intitution for orphaned and abandoned children.

what she has done?
Emmi Pikler wrote severol books pinlished in different languages which are:
"What your son knows haw to do(1958)" and "Move in freedom development of global motor skills(1969)". Also Emmi Pikler  create their own pedagogical principles. Some pedagogical principles are:
  • Value of autonomy, through the free development of motor skills, games and autonomous activity.
  • Value of the privileged emotional relationship, through physiological care.
  • Value of stability and continuity of care for the child, through the referring educator.
  • Make the child ware of himself and his environment, through respect and promotion of the child's initiative in their daily life.
I like the methodology of Emmi Pikler because the methodology is of free play and respect the development and maturity time of each children.

20110902_131818.jpgResultado de imagen para libros de emmi piklerResultado de imagen para libros de emmi pikler

5 comentarios:

  1. Oh! Barba the information is very important, i dont no knew to Emmi Pikler

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello barbara, it is very interesting what you say about Emmi Pikler I did not know that she was a pediatrician, I also liked that profession but even so she gets involved with the education of children pointing out different values ​​that are very fundamental for children, goodbye. Cony

  4. Hi Bárbara, also i think that this person contributed a lot to our career, mainly in the free play and the respect in the times. See you later goodbye :)

  5. Hello Barbara, wow! I thought I was the only one who knew the life of Emmi Pikler, she is so cool. Se you soon, bye.


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