martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

BLOG 9: Changes to my study program

Hello Classmates and Teacher. Today will comment them above  of modifications that I would like to give to my career.
Mainly  I would like to in the curriculum of my career they incorporated more subjects on health and abuses on the children, on the other hand subjects more focused on work with families.
So far the schedules I've ever had at the University I like since I can harmonize schedules between my studies, work and my family, I would like to follow the same schedule until the end of the year or perhaps it could be thus for all races Since study four days a week and I have one free according to the mesh, but that day I I need it to work.
On the other hand my opinion about each branch teachers who are of my career are super good and there would be no reason to change any of them.
Finally if I had to change something of all this it would be in terms of scholarships that delivers the University, I find that is a poor strategy of support if not that grants them are insufficient for the entire amount of students that there are or are not assigned , while scholarships should be for students with difficulty of scarce resources sometimes are poorly distributed because an example a student is sack all scholarships while there are others that appeal by need and are excluded from these.
I hope you liked my blog see you at the next.

Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile facso pedagogia en educacion parvularia

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I'm agree with you, we need more subjects about how to work with families, because is a really important topic and we need to feel prepared for that.


  2. Hi barbara, I really agree with your opinion but I think there are also many more things to change for our career.


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