martes, 31 de julio de 2018

BLOG 8: A subject you have enjoyed a lot this semester!

Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile facsoHello teacher and classmates. Today I´m going talk about my favorite subject from this semester in my University.
Well, I´ll start  by telling you that I am from the education career so there are subjects that are very entertaining and that call me a lot of attention, but the one that I like the most has been the subject from Problematization if Pedagogical Practice, since it is a subject more practical than theoretical as it says its name, it is not only theory like the others but where I live the experiences in person.
This subject consists in making pedagogical practices in some kindergartens and can show different types of contexts where the children can be found  to carry a group conversation .
Also this subject has helped me a lot for my development with  professional future, because living experiences in real time to share them with my classmates during  the class.
It is very entertaining to have this subject at the University to bring it to reality because there is a great distance in theory and  practice, then in this field you have the opportunity to put into practice everything learned in classes and then focus it on a kindergarten.
Finally, perhaps not everyone will have a subject as experiential as mine, but when I tell you about this experience, I also share my tastes with you.
I hope you liked it well see in the next blog.

Resultado de imagen para jardin infantil

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi friend, also we think the same. I think that practice is the main subject of our career. Regards :)

  2. hello friend, we have very similar thoughts I like this subject I like it, bye

  3. Hi Barbara! i like your post, in my opinion the subjet of traini ng is very important for completely our career!

  4. hello barbara, I like a lot your post!! is wonderful


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