viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

BLOG 7: Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

Hello teacher and classmate , in this blogs I will talk about the page of the Ministry of edcuacion more known as the mineduc, is the most usual paquina that I resort especially when I have to do some work, is a very complete paquina in terms of information and provides very necessary work tools. In addition, this page has different types of programs that cover different information topics.
I visit this website frequently as it is relevant to my career, if I had to mention the number of times I could say three times a week and a little more.
This website I like because it talks about education and also because it has news and current information, the page is also easy to use since it goes all indicated, and is a good support network if you have any questions about any subject related to the information you might need. On the other hand you can find information of all the regions of the country.
This page can be accessed by anyone since it is an open page and if there is something interesting that you find and it catches your attention you can share it with other people and / or friends, etc.
finally invite all and all to visit the page of the ministry of education to see news that occur with our live and with our own education, which can serve to clarify our doubts and give a specific information and concrete.
Thanks for your attention, see you in the next blogs 


2 comentarios:

Some people argue that Education is not necessarily important for the growth of a nation.

Education is one of the most influential factors for the advancement and progress of the people, societies and countries, which have becom...