martes, 24 de abril de 2018

POST 3: my cakes

hello teacher and classmate, again we meet again. Today I´m going to talk from the that my like do.
Primary tell that my like dance, and cook cake and work out, because of my routine is more or less this way. Since very young my like dance, for a time dedicate to do instructor of zumba and the pss very good, but I also do confectionery as cake from fruit and pie de lemon, cake, etc.

Normally in my time free the take up for do thing delicious and invite my family for share ans pass to moment nice.
Also sell  cake to my know and sometime for baby showers, happy birthday, mom day, etc

Resultado de imagen para pie de limon  Resultado de imagen para tartaleta

today joined my granmather prepare friter for the dinner and probably come my mom the boyfriend and her  sister and her husband, where we take advantage of talking etc., and they also invite us to their house when they prepare rich things and there is their other son with his boyfriend.

finally this is a little of what I like to do in others but these are main. I hope you liked my blog today. See you next time, bye bye.

martes, 17 de abril de 2018


Resultado de imagen para Educadora

Hello teacher and classmate, we again meet. When I was a child I had lots of options to study, I like dance, chef. Another option I had in mind was to be a police, always being a part of a formal institution was a dream for me, I put the school in the police and then I repented, Finally, I decided study Pedagogic in  preschool education  because is vocation and I like educate the children, Also feel and believer who that be a agent of change for the education to level institution educational children.
I  would like to  take a lot of  time in the work  because in this job one becomes fond of children and families. It is a great responsibility to finish what one starts. Also I like to have  job in a garden where the staff had visions beyond the job and the love for what they do.

thanks for reading my blogs, we are in the next session. From here I send my regards . bye- bye.

martes, 10 de abril de 2018

POST 1: A country I'd like to visit

Resultado de imagen para would disney

Hello classmate and teacher,  in this occasion I will mention the country that I like to visit and it would be united states but in specific Disney Walt, Because is would very interesting for their beautiful  entertainment park. 
Disney Walt is the place perfect for plays in  family and friends now that have a entertainment  park . Also is the place what visitor many foreigner. On the ather hand it has a great castle the princess.
I like go down her  commercial center and go to the intertainment park for shout and release tension. Also I like leanr well her language since the language  for my is very attractive in to be complicated.
I don´t like the live in the place first because I couldn´t live far from  my family and it would also be difficult  for me to get used to it.

 thanks for reading my blogs, we are in the next session. From here I send my regards . bye- bye.

Resultado de imagen para would disney

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